Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24!!!!

Today, everybody pretty much work on their robot, researching and taking notes on their ideas and discoveries.
Yesterday, Reza was unsecured about the possibility of coming up with a Predator and preys activity that would work with out any flaws. His main issue was how to make the preys recognize each other from the Predator with only one ultrasonic place in the front or back. however, today during the group sharing session(every one talked about the ideas they have so far), we gave our inputs and ideas on how he should go with it. One of them was to place the ultrasonic on a moving support that could rotate it in circle. Reza is currently working on that prospective.

Brad has great ideas on the Line follower/ Racing Robots, he came up with an activity for each day. He also implemented the race with different ideas that will make it more fun and challenging. He will continued to work on the proposal and probably focus on the programming and building.

Erika has the idea of combining the can collector with the trash collector/ dump and collect. She is making progress on her research and writing her proposal. She has no current difficulties. She found simple codes in the NXT book that will definitely be useful.

Krista came up with a few board game and therefore is still indecisive on her final choice. One of the game is a race to your current home. It uses a color dealer that tells you on which color you should head on. the main other is to make a race and have a winner. It is a little like monopoly but with colors and no purchasing. She made some sample of all the ideas she has and continued to make research.

Fara is following the same idea of the color sorter found on Google but she implemented by making each containers a color. She also makes the robot moves instead of staying steady. The main idea is for the robot to move toward each containers and find the match with the colored brick. Once it is matched, the robot will placed the brick to its box.