- Revise any last issues with Forklift Challenge for the San Diego Workshop (Project Goal 1)
- Assemble and label (with Braille) the forklifts to be used for the San Diego workshop. (Project Goal 1)
- Have a detailed understanding of the following sensors: Gyroscope, PS2 controller, Accelerometer. Understanding is based on experimentation with quantitative and qualitative data gathering using various lighting, materials, etc. as relevant to the sensors being studied. (Project Goal 2)
- From brainstormed list, complete 3-4 challenges, including code, materials, robot model and the proofreading and testing there of. (Project Goal 1)
Each Sprint Goal has a set of associated tasks, sprint items, that are assigned to one or more people for the current sprint. Other tasks may need to be added or people re-assigned as issues arise and collaboration is encouraged. The name listed with the task is the person who is the lead for completing that task.
Assignments (Sprint Items):
- SG1: Revise any last issues with Forklift Challenge for the San Diego Workshop - Reza
- SG2: Assemble and label (with Braille) the forklifts to be used for the San Diego workshop. - All will build; Erika, Krista will label the robots with the provided Braille labeler
- SG3: Sensor Analysis: Gyroscopic (Brad, Krista), Accelerometer (Erika, Fara), PS2 controller (Chris, Reza)
- Inventory the sensors and note any that do not function properly (be specific in how they do not work and attach the note to the sensor in its box)
- Devise appropriate tests for each sensor using a variety of materials/distances/etc as relevant to the sensor; log what the tests are and how carried out in order to replicate them later - the tests will require some proof-of-concept programing and building an appropriate lego model to hold the sensor.
- Maintain a data set of your quantitative and qualitative results in Excel/Word
- Summarize your findings and provide a set of best practices and caveats for the use of each sensor in activities (to be used in this project and to disseminated to others)
- SG4: From brainstormed list, complete 3-4 challenges, including code, materials, robot model and the proofreading and testing there of.
- Trash Collector then Color Sorter extension: Erika, Faradjine
- Predator/Prey then Sumo: Reza, Chris
- Racing then Board Game: Brad, Krista
Pairs will work on specified challenge, where each challenge consists of:
- Robot model is developed and finalized and is determined to be constructable from 1 'kit'.
- Robot model is documented in Lego Designer and the instructions have been tested
- Challenge write-up has been written and proofread.
- Challenge write-up has been inspected by a peer, and has been revised as needed.
- Challenge write-up has been checked in under a folder named for that challenge (where all challenge materials will be stored)
- Challenge solution code has been completed, tested, commented, and checked. It's file name contains the work solution in it.
- The Challenge has been broken down into a set of tutorial write-ups (will be handouts) that break down the challenge's main concepts into small chunks where the students work with small programs and concepts in order to be ready to solve the overall challenge.
- The Challenge tutorial code is completed, tested, and commented. Name the files according to the challenge, the concept being taught and the number that indicates the order that the tutorial should be done in e.g. Maze_Repeat_2.nxc
- Any helper libraries are completed, tested, and commented. They are also clearly labels that they are a helper library and checked in with the challenge.