Today was a day full of sharing.
Krista and Brad worked on making a (second) new model of the racing bot- the touch sensors were removed in replace of a third motor that will swivel the US sensor in order to search for other racing bots nearby. They started completely from scratch so this took most of the day. after brad left (frustrating with gearing problems) Krista spent the rest of the day figuring out and testing the gearing to allow the swiveling US.
Fara and Erika (along with some help from both Reza and Chris) worked on coding the trash collecting bot. They have had some trouble finding objects to represent "trash" that will work with both the US sensor and the claw mechanism. They also had some difficulties with different parts of the code but have figured out most of the problems.
Reza and Chris worked on more of the predator/prey activity and code. They came up with a good story for the activity (involving an unsuspecting leaf, grasshopper, snake and hawk) that will work very well with the overall theme of the activity. The robot is finished in the digital designer so soon, a second bot will be built to start working on communication/evasion and searching.