It's gorgeous and sunny again today!
Krista is out, but Brad worked on fine tuning the Racing Activity write-up and played around with the programs to see if he could make them more efficient and straight-forward.
Reza was working on testing more of the Predator robot code. He spent quite a bit of time helping test the Trash-Collector line following code, as well. Chris continued to work on the movement for the Prey robots and their interaction, and he also helped debug the Trash-Collector robot code.
Fara worked on the sorting code, and combining it with all of the other code modules for the Trash-Collector robot. She hit a blocker trying to figure out how to have the robot stop the line-following program when it reaches the sorting area and start the sorting program, so the group had a brainstorming session to come up with a solution. They ended up tweaking the program so the robot reads the raw values from the light sensor and placing the blue sorting square at the end of the line, so the robot will stop following the line when the light sensor outputs the reflected light value of the blue paper. Erika continued work on the activity write-up for the Trash-Collector, inputting the codes and breaking the activity down into sections.