Gorgeous and sunny all day today!
For the Predator/Prey activity, Reza redesigned the robot so the touch sensor would work better and updated the grasshopper code accordingly. He also worked on the codes for the other Predator bots. Chris continued work to integrate the PS2 controllers into the Prey robot codes.
Brad worked on the racing bot program, trying to set up the code to switch lanes only when it needed to and follow the track otherwise. He hit a few blockers, with the code doing unexpected things, but is working through them.
Krista focused on the Activity Zero robots and tested multiple different designs for attaching the sensors so they would be easier to put on and take off of the robots. She found one design that would allow the sensors to clip on easily, but it requires more parts than are included in one gray NXT kit.
Erika and Fara tested all of their old codes on the new grabber robot and updated those that didn't work. They also finished the search code with help from Brad, using the same concept as the line-follower code. They put all of their codes together into a Grabber_Movement code, which searches, approaches the object, grabs the object, moves toward the path, and follows the path. They are experiencing a few blockers, though, in that the ultrasonic sensor is inconsistent and sometimes "sees" things that aren't there. Thus, the program doesn't have a very high repeatability rate.